Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Ugh, more doctors!?

We went to see Dr. Kenawy to see about the dosage of his medication and to see about the test results from almost 3 weeks ago. We decided to keep him on the same dosage it seems to be doing well for him. Only 3 of the 4 test were back and they were normal, but we expected that because they were not the most important ones. The last one was to check Kidney function and will not be back until 10-14 day from Yesterday. Let's pray it is normal also.
One other thing we talked about was the restless sleeping and sleepwalking. Jacob has ALWAYS done this. I don't know that he has ever really slept well. I talked to the doc about it and told him how bad it had gotten. Jacob gets up sometimes and tries to leave the house. He wants to have him checked out by a neurologist because a lot of times this is a symptom of a seizure disorder. REALLY MORE DOCTORS!? I am beginning to think this is some kind of crazy conspiracy between them all to make money from us! $25 each time we go to see Dr. Kenawy, $40 a week to Dr. Decker and now $40 when we go to the neurologist. Then Then there will be a CAT scan and an EEG. HELLO! CO-PAY! I know it is all very important and we need to do it, I am just so frustrated. I know God is there and he is leading us through this and for good reason. I just want to know the reason! I know things could be worse, believe me I know. I just need to pray and love my son and do whatever it takes to help him cope.
Until tomorrow!

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