Sunday, November 23, 2008

Just beginning the process

Tomorrow is Jacob's second appointment with Dr. Decker. I am looking forward to it because he will begin the I.Q test and start the process of helping us. I finally finished all of the evaluation forms he gave us last week and I am anxious to see what he says.
I am also nervous about this next appointment. The last time we were here Dr. Decker brought out the beast in Jacob. He had a good reason to do it though. Allow me to explain. He asked Jacob to sit at his desk wile we talked about Jacob. He gave him a book with various drawings in them and a blank page next to each drawing. The difficulty of each drawing increased on each page ranging from a drawing that a 2-3 year old should be able to duplicate all the way up to what an adult should be able to duplicate. He never told Jacob when to stop, he simply instructed Jacob to draw what was on each page. Jacob got about half way through and I saw that he was beginning to get frustrated and told Dr. Decker he was almost at his breaking point. He told me to let him be and we continued talking. Jacob became very angry and started to throw the book and his pencil pushing the chair and hitting his head on the desk. Dr. Decker told him he may stop and there was no need to be angry. Then he gave him a prize for doing so well at what he had completed. I was confused because The way I looked at it was he was almost praising him for the fit, but as he talked Jacob down he brought it back to what a good job he had done before the fit. I was quite impressed with how well he handled the situation and calmed him down.
So now I am nervous about an I.Q test because of the last fit. But after seeing how well Dr. Decker handled him I really shouldn't be. He is a professional. We will need God to be in that room tomorrow and I know he will be there with us.

Now with that said we have another appointment Tuesday with Dr. Kenawy Jacob's pediatrician. We are going to talk about how the Focalin has been doing and I hope the test results are in yet. I also plan on asking about getting something for him for sleep. He has no trouble getting to sleep. He is just so restless and the nightmares are terrible! He rarely ever wakes up but he sleepwalks and sees to be in the middle of the nightmare as he is sitting in bed or walking around the house. I know that this is not a side effect of the Focalin because this is just one of many of Jacob's "quirks". He has had nightmares I suspect from about 6 months of age until present. Just another thing to add to the ever growing list.
On a good note he has been going to church with me for the past 4 weeks. He has been doing very well. This is a change from before. I used to leave him home because he became so anxious he dreaded going. Last night he asked if he could go with me today. One small step in the right direction.
Until Tomorrow friends.

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