Thursday, December 18, 2008

I am back to being concerned; again.

The last time we went to see doctor Kenawy we talked about Jacob sleepwalking and he wanted him to see a neurologist. I don't have and appointment yet because the doctor is out of town. But as soon as he gets back they will call us with an appointment. I think I may have to call Children's Medical Services and see if we can get into see one of them.
I am concerned not just because of the sleepwalking but also because Jacob has been complaining about being dizzy and says his head hurts. Add this to the list, it seems to be never ending. I know it is not because of the Focalin because this has been an issue before that. I have no clue what it may be.
We have been to a neurologist before when Jacob was one. He had a seizure and they are assuming it was caused by a fever he had the week before with an ear infection. They tried to make him have a seizure under sedation but were unsuccessful, so that lead them to believe that he did not have a seizure disorder. They also did a CAT scan and an EEG. Both came back with normal results and we went on with our lives.
Now Jacob is older and has been complaining of these headaches and dizziness. I feel so helpless and frustrated. I just don't know what to do or where to turn. I am at the end of my rope.
I know God is great and he will take care of our needs if we are faithful. So now I just pray and wait. I know He has a plan for us and it will be good. Things could be worse and I just have to stay in the moment, do not look ahead, but up to Him for where I should go from here.
Until I know more...

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